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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 08/16/06
AUGUST 16, 2006

Selectboard Present:    Jon LeClair, Brenda Ferland, Steven Neill

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed, Highway Superintendent
                        David Duquette, Water & Sewer Superintendent
                        Edward Smith, Police Chief
                        Gary Stoddard, Fire Chief
                        Regina Borden, Recording Secretary

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Jon LeClair called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the Non-Public Selectboard meeting of August 2, 2006, as printed.  Brenda Ferland seconded the motion.  With S. Neill and B. Ferland in favor, the motion was approved.  Jon LeClair abstained as he was not present at the August 16 meeting.  

Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of August 2, 2006, as printed.  Brenda Ferland seconded the motion.  With S. Neill and B. Ferland in favor, the motion was approved.  Jon LeClair abstained as he was not present at the August 16 meeting.  

Water and Sewer Departments:  Dave Duquette distributed copies of his mid-summer reports.  The first page showed the arsenic results in North Charlestown.  He had this round of testing done by two labs; Eastern Analytical is the normal lab used and Aqua Check in Vermont was the independent lab.  The numbers were a little lower through Aqua Check.  He will do the same thing with the next round of testing.  He has been doing research on arsenic and has 2-to-3 companies that are willing to come in to do pilot studies on the wells.  Yesterday he took a field trip to look at a system to remove arsenic and manganese but in North Charlestown they do not have a place to dispose of the backwash water.  A tanker truck could park there and haul it away; it could be treated at the treatment plant through the lagoons.  There are different options and he will look at them.  Once the pilot studies start he can write to the State to so advise them.  They got the building in on Summit Hill.  Some work was done last week on the treatment plant lagoons; the divers pulled the air lines, drilled and re-set them so they should ensure our secondary lagoon treatment for some time.  Some brush cutting was done in several areas and they put in two meter pits.  Now there is only one unmetered service remaining in Charlestown.   

Highway Department:  Keith Weed reported that they continue with hole patching.  He looked at the roads to be paved with Pike Industries but the price will dictate how much will be done.  
On the Acworth Road, he met with Steve Wolf to look at the damaged culvert but slip lining is not an alternative so they will look at replacing the pipe.  

PAUL MARKOWITZ & KATIE LAJOIE – Solid Waste Disposal Inquiry:  A conference call began with Paul Markowitz who was unable to attend this meeting; Katie LaJoie was in attendance.  Reference was made to Mr. Markowitz’s letter of August 14, 2006, and the several enclosures.  Mr. Markowitz works with Antioch New England Institute in Keene.  Last October they received a grant from the US Department of Agriculture to develop a recycling based waste management plan for Sullivan County.  The contract that many of the towns in Sullivan County have with Wheelabrator will expire in July 2007; Charlestown is not a part of that contract.  This is a unique time for the towns to revisit how they manage their waste.  They are in the process of developing a plan to look at how Sullivan County residents can divert as much waste as possible through recycling, composting, waste reduction, etc.  They contracted with the Northeast Resource Recovery Association (NRRA) to do a site assessment of the Charlestown Transfer/Recycling Center and came up with some recommendations.  They did surveying, evaluation of how much is being recycled, etc. and saw an opportunity to have a third or neutral party, such as the Antioch New England Institute, to explore other options.  The idea is that they act on behalf of a number of towns to find the best deal for disposing of this waste, terms and the cost.  There would be no guaranteed annual tonnage or pay type of contract.  There would be no obligation; they are just looking for responses and information for making decisions in the future.  There are now ten towns that have signed on.  This is a request to be able to add the Town of Charlestown to their list.  The revised draft letter, dated August 14, 2006, will be mailed to various certified waste disposal sites – three landfills in New Hampshire, six landfills in New York, one in Maine and two in Vermont.  They are exploring closer markets and will compare the information received.  Responses are requested by September 22nd, 2006, and they have scheduled a meeting for the following Monday.  Mr. LeClair understands the Town is under no obligation if they agree to participate.  Mr. Markowitz responded “absolutely no obligation”.  Mr. Neill questioned prices on transportation – would that be a cooperative arrangement or an independent contractor that each town would pay for based on what they are moving.  Mr. Markowitz responded that all of these options are on the table; this is an opportunity to work out a cooperative agreement between everybody.  Mrs. Ferland is in favor of sharing the town’s information.  There was a consensus of the Board to add the Town of Charlestown to the list.  Mr. Markowitz explained that they anticipate coming out with a draft plan this fall.  Mr. Markowitz and Katie LaJoie thanked the Board for their time.

(Note: Subsequent to the closing of the meeting it was noted that Mr. Markowitz should have been informed, as required by law, that the speaker phone discussion was being recorded.  Mr. Edkins contacted Mr. Markowitz by telephone the following morning and informed him of this fact.  Mr. Markowitz had no objection to the recording of the discussion.)  
Highway Department (Continued):  Keith Weed reported that on Calavant Hill they have been removing the asphalt.  Some test holes were dug; they hit clay at about 6” so that will have to be excavated out.  He is waiting for a price from a contractor on that.  The culvert on the Acworth Road will have to be done; he is waiting for a bid on that project.  There is too much work for the department to do themselves.  

Relative to a complaint on the South Hemlock Road, there was a consensus of the Selectboard to refer it to the Highway Advisory Committee to have them look at the ditch and culvert.  

Transfer Station:  As a follow-up to the last meeting, Steve Neill reported that it will cost $342.00/year for liability insurance on the old truck if it is left at the Transfer Station to plow and spread salt.  There was a consensus of the Selectboard to sell the truck, plow and sander.  Dave Edkins mentioned that he is still waiting for lists from the Department Heads on what to sell.

Keith Weed noted that it is inspection month.  The roll-off needs brakes and drums; the pup trailer needs brakes.  They need to have a meeting of the Solid Waste Committee soon.  There was discussion relative to co-mingling the recyclables and the revenue from paper; both Keene and the Charlestown Transfer Station would like to have 100% of the aluminum.  He has a call in to see where the new baler is.

Brenda Ferland said in the Full Circle there is an article about a new E-POD Program.  She asked Keith Weed to check with the recycling group at the school to see if there is interest in having a special container for electronics.  Keith Weed will check on the program.

Brenda Ferland mentioned the letter received from someone that used the recycling area a lot who is concerned it has been limited to Clothes and books only.  After further discussion, the Selectboard agreed to stick with their new policy.  Keith Weed said people are still putting things in and taking things out as the staff cannot watch it all the time.

Fire Department:  Fire Chief Gary Stoddard wanted to do a follow-up after their meeting with the insurance company on July 26th.  He is looking for direction on what the Selectboard would like him to do; possibly eliminate two men on the fire truck.  One suggestion is to leave one air pack off the front seat, it will slow them down and make it tougher, but then one man could sit in its place; it will result in slower response times.  There will be a slower response, the other firemen will have to use their personal vehicles, but other towns are having the same problem.  Dave Edkins noted that now that the town has this letter if someone does get hurt it would be considered gross negligence.  Chief Stoddard is all for safety.  Next year there were plans to replace the forestry truck but should it be changed to a utility truck that can be used to transport firefighters.  Brenda Ferland felt that when it is explained to the public they would understand why the change for the utility truck is necessary; Steve Neill and Jon LeClair agreed.  They will look at the proposed lease agreement for a new truck.  Chief Stoddard does not want to see the forestry truck lost in the shuffle.  With this letter from the insurance company, people will know it is a safety issue.  Chief Stoddard advised that the department agreed to dispose of the boat; he will get the specs to Dave Edkins so it can be advertised for sale.

Police Department:  Police Chief Ed Smith was on vacation so is still catching-up.  The Delinquent Dog List was passed on to Barb Blanchard and she will work on it.  It will be tough to get it done in two weeks to meet the requirements.  It was noted that there are multiple offenders and some dogs might have died.  Relative to the cruiser there is a question as to whether the transmission will be rebuilt or replaced; in either case they hope to have it done by the end of this week.  The Town of Charlestown’s Police Association and the Town of Walpole’s are joining together for a fundraiser with the Red Sox Legends on September 9th; they are soliciting donations from local citizens.                          

Citizenship Merit Badge:  Sean Kennedy attended this meeting because he is working on the Citizenship Merit badge that is a requirement to work toward the goal for an Eagle Scout.  It requires attending a meeting in the Town, taking notes and looking at the Town’s budget to see how they spend their money.  He was given a copy of the Town Report.  

Dog Complaint:  Norm Lariviere resides on Michael Avenue and reported that for the last three years there has been a vicious, barking dog in the neighborhood.  The dog is on a chain but it goes after everyone that walks by.  It is only a matter of time before someone gets hurt.  The neighbors have complained many times.  Right now the owner is not home and the dog is inside but it starts barking at 5:30 am.  Kara Brook lives on David Avenue and loves dogs but fears this one.  Chief Smith is aware of the situation and advised that when the owner gets back she will have a summons.  He asked the neighbors to keep calling him to report the incidents whether they are inside or outside so they can be documented.

Overtime Policy:  Dave Duquette explained that it is State law that they work on weekends but when they take a vacation day off during the week and then work the weekend they do not get paid for the over-time.  It seems unreasonable; the Highway Department deals with it during snowstorms.  Right now Dave and Rod Rumrill are rotating weekends.  Water/Sewer and Highway Departments share the overtime issues.  Steve Neill feels the three-hour call-in is generous and that was to help compensate Town employees for being on-call.  Dave Duquette noted that on weekends they wear pagers, need to be available 24/hours a day, on occasion there are multiple call-ins and still do routine checks.  Jon LeClair felt the Selectboard is fair in their assessment of time off and compensation.  

Uniforms:  It was noted that the Town is locked into the uniform contract until the year 2009.  Brenda Ferland recommended that all complaints be documented.  Steve Neill feels that if we can prove our case that their service is unsatisfactory and we can document it, we could probably get out of the contract.  There was a consensus to start with a certified letter to Alltex about dissatisfaction with the oil rags and the pants.  Keith Weed said sometimes the rags have metal shavings or chips in them so the employees have to be careful.  Dave Duquette noted that they used to deliver to the Sewer Plant but now they will only deliver to the Highway Department.  Steve Neill said that should also be in the letter because if they used to deliver to the Sewer Plant there is no reason why they discontinued it just because there is a new driver.             

Wheelabrator:  Brenda Ferland received an invitation in the mail from Wheelabrator about their informational meeting on September 15th.  She will plan to attend.  

Masonry Contract:  Brenda Ferland and Jon LeClair signed the Masonry Contract for work to be done on the Bakery Building.  
Painting:  There was a consensus to paint the front door in the Bakery Building maroon; it should match the new sign.

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION – Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.: The Payroll and Accounts Payable Vouchers were approved and signed.

Purchase Orders:  The following purchase orders were approved and signed by the Selectboard:  1) Office – Service Contract with All Service $450.00; 2) Wastewater – Omega Engineering $303.00; 3) Town Clerk – Red Jacket Mountain View $450.00; 4) Highway – Cedric Fisk $400.00; 5) Transfer Station - Freightliner of New Hampshire $814.00; and 6) Highway – Camerada $551.00.      

Hawker & Peddler’s Permit: Steve Neill questioned the number of parking spaces they will use.  Brenda Ferland moved to approve the Hawker & Peddler’s Permit, as amended, for Judy Fisher for craft items only, no yard sale items, and it will be limited to two parking spaces.  Seconded by Steve Neill.  All in favor, the motion carried.

Cemetery Deeds:  Cemetery Deeds were approved and signed by the Selectboard.

Inspection Station:  The Selectboard approved and signed the document for the Official Inspection Station.  Cliff Stark and Ernie Chambers are designated to sign the stickers for September inspections.  Andy St. Pierre and Ed Beliveau will be named at a later date.

The correspondence was previously discussed during this meeting.

Miscellaneous:  Dave Edkins reported that the Town Hall roof is done except for the two lower roofs.  The painters have started on the Bakery Building.

Conservation Commission – Steve Neill:  Steve Neill reported that the Conservation Commission meets next Tuesday night.  

CEDA – Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair attended the meeting last week with four members present.  Bob Weaver’s services were terminated because of financial constraints.  CEDA is entering into an hourly agreement with Jack Dugan of the Monadnock Economic Development Corporation.  They are beginning to talk about charging for some of the materials that are leaving the property.  The meetings are now going to be held on the third Monday of the month at 5:30 pm.

Planning Board – Brenda Ferland (Steve Neill, Alt.):  Brenda Ferland reported that the Planning Board met last night.  The application of John Mitchell on East Street was accepted as complete for a small engine repair home business.  He plans to pick-up and home-deliver as much equipment as possible and has adequate inside storage.  He will dispose of his waste oils, etc. at the transfer station.  The abutters had no complaints.  Steve Neill advised that Dave Duquette should be made aware of the new business and fluids.    

Solid Waste Committee – Jon LeClair:  The Solid Waste Committee has not met.
Heritage Commission – Brenda Ferland:  The Heritage Commission has not met.

Ambulance Department – Steve Neill:  Steve Neill reported that the Ambulance Department met last Wednesday but prior to it he got a notice that there would be no business meeting.  The business meeting was to be rescheduled but he has not been notified of a new date.

(a)     Brenda Ferland moved to enter into a Non-public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II to discuss (c) matters which, if discussed in public, might adversely affect the reputation of any person other than a member of the Board itself.  Steve Neill seconded the motion and, on a roll call vote with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 8:55 P.M.

The regular meeting resumed at 9:15 P.M.

Whelen Engineering:  Whelen Engineering has approved the draft solid waste disposal and transportation agreement but Dave Edkins is going to have it checked by the Town’s attorney.  The Selectboard prefers to keep it simple.  Steve Neill pointed out that it should include a provision allowing for adjustment of fees by mutual agreement based on fuel costs and market conditions.    

Brenda Ferland moved to adjourn this meeting.  Steve Neill seconded the motion and, on a roll call vote with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 9:22 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,                                 Approved,
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary

Jon B. LeClair, Chair                   Steven A. Neill                 Brenda L. Ferland

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the minutes of the September 6, 2006, Selectboard meeting.)